RSD Photo's SoCal Life

By rsdphotography

Cruz Roja Benefit

Information on events is often difficult to come by in Zihuatanejo, actually we found that to be true in other Mexican cities as well. Coming from the marketing industry, I have never been able to understand why. When we ran an event, we would advertise in the local newspaper, print flyers, put out posters and if the budget allowed promote on radio and television as well. In this brave new digital age I see social media has supplanted much of the traditional avenues, but the fact remains there are countless ways to discover things to do. Here it is not as easy. For example, take tonight's performance by an Argentine troupe of singers and dancers in town to benefit the local Red Cross. Had we not been at our local pharmacy and just happened to notice the little flyer on the counter, we would have missed this once-in-a-lifetime event (and the Cruz Roja would have been 400 pesos poorer). It is incredible that we, and every other North American in town, weren't specifically targeted to attend, especially considering the president of Cruz Roja built our apartments and his sisters own units here. Almost two full hours of singing and dancing, with popcorn and cider, for less than $20USD each. Very glad we saw the flyer and got to see these talented performers.

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