Life of a bubble maker

By redditchrascal

New toy

J decided to work from home today. Got a text message later to say Kilda had managed to get on the desk and chewed the end off my stylus for the graphic tablet. Little sod. My new head torch arrived at work today. Hopefully this will be a lot brighter and allow Kilda to run in the dark with me without getting spooked. Went out to the dive club AGM to see what is going on. We aren’t members at the moment but I wanted to see what the club was doing with the pool and boat before deciding whether or not to re-join. Came home and watched the final of the bake off. We have been running a sweep at work during the program. When your baker got kicked out you then baked something from their previous bakes. I was in the final with Candice and won. Woo Hoo

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