# Sailing traffic leaving Sivota this can just see the line of yachts in the distance. It was quite a sight the photo doesn't do the reality justice.
Weather not so good today rain, wind and storm predicted so we played it safe and just motored to our next harbour; at Platarias on the mainland.
We stopped off in the bay for lunch and The Rev went for a swim. The water is still quite warm but air is cool! Today's challenge was to turn of the engine about an hour from the harbour and hope it came back on. The peace was fantastic.
The rain didn't come until this evening. Think more may come tonight :((
We have enjoyed a group meal organised by the team. Great fun, lots of laughs.

300/366...a chance to finish our books. We've both been reading The Girl on the Train. A sort of holiday book club for 2. Now we can see the film.
BTW I still hate mosquitoes...I have so many bites it just not funny:

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