Purple Magpie

By PurpleMagpie

Can you tell what it is yet?

In a fit of inspiration/stupidity we bought DS an art farm.

I was a bit dubious but thought it was quite educational and apparently the ants will live longer in the farm than in the wild.

In the capturing of the ants we inadvertently must have caught a young queen so we now have eggs. I will wait and see how that pans out but we might have to release the colony into the wild.

They are totally and utterly fascinating to watch though and everyone is quite taken by them and keeps having a peep.

Apparently they have not evolved in 6 million years as they are just so good at being ants.

We also have a worm farm for DD. Yes we are a bit silly sometimes.

Today the weather has been grotty. Spent the morning with a lovely friend putting the world to rights while the children played. I looked after her eldest and youngest while she took her middle daughter to the Drs and then one coffee turned into another and another.

We had a bad night with the baby who was suffering with his jabs so I could do with some sleep tonight.

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