Life through the lens...

By ValC

Large white on blue.

An early blip before the rains came!

I saw this on the agapanthus and loved the colour of the white against the blue.
By the time I got my camera it flew off and so this is not the best focus shot.

I think it is a large white , female.

I know they are very common, but it is all we have coming in to the garden at the moment.
Hope to get a shot of something more spectacular in future.

Have put one coat of paint on the bedroom walls, ( colour barley white) and been to order a new carpet.
That is being fitted a week on Friday, so we must get it finished by then!!!
How do they do things so cheap on those TV makeover programmes???
Still need a chest of drawers and two bedside cabinets.
Oh and forgot a new curatain rail. (curtains already bought in Laura Ashley sale, as well as the wall paper for the feature wall at the back of the bed)
Now this is getting boring!!!

A good job the weather wasn't so bad for the Olympics!

Hope you are all having a good week. August just seems to be flying by.

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