walks with my dog

By mingamo

We got the green one

Where did the others go? I absolutely loved the olympics. Everything about them. With the Exception of the road race right at the beginning. Poor Mark Cavendish but he came back and proved to be a first rate commentator. And has declared he will be a track cyclist next time, so we have one medal at least in the bag!! New favourite is dressage. I don't think the horses hooves actually touched the ground. Superb!! So many moments to be proud of and so many to be heartbroken over.poor Louis Smith on the men's pommel in the gymnastics. Same score but silver rather than gold in front of his home Crowd. He behaved impeccably with complete dignity. Inside he must have been dying. I was crying my eyes out for him. Tom Daley did not falter in a single dive while others crumbled around him. When he has the extra difficulty in a sixth dive he'll have gold. The Brownlee brothers. I will stop but I could go on for PAGES. Well done the BBC. And Claire Balding et al So proud to be British and on a serious note this years jubilee and the Olympics have absolutely and completely put paid to independence for Scotland for this generation at least. Not out of fear of change but it will be a positive decision to stay British which is much better. We can all be Scottish Welsh Northern Irish or English with pride but still be British. Yah!!!!!

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