
By highjinx

The hamster's gone into hiding for a few days.....

At what point in modern history did halloween become ORANGE? Was it when a bunch of global  retail giants got together and realised that there was an ancient tradition being practiced every year right under their noses THAT THEY WERENT MAKING ANY MONEY FROM and the whole 5000 year old affair therefore had to 'branded'....."orange' some genius philistine of an executive must have thought.....When I was wee it was apples and nuts and a few sweeties and dressing up usually as a cat or a witch or with something you could make from a cardboard box. The whole phycopathic murderous blood stained axe murdering stuff is also a piece of american imported nonsense..........and if i hear one more kid calling it 'trick or treating' instead of guising...i'm going to refuse to give them any nuts!!!!!

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