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A simple garden spider will minimize his or her chances of retaining realestate for hunting if they are not careful to choose a location that does not interfere with my comings and goings. I have already walked into one web on my porch this season *she shudders* and had a near miss with another fellow planted square in the middle of their web. It gives a bit of PTSD, which explains all the ducking and bobbing and trying to look from every angle to catch the light on a web, that I do every time I leave my house now. They are SO fast to rebuild or move into each other's territory once one has been vacated. Thus endeth my annual rant.
***note regarding blip. I dearly love this community. I've all but fallen away completely, as I am discouraged at my inability to get sharp shots with my phone, and rarely do anything else. I bought a new camera-small, nothing fancy-but couldn't successfully upload a picture and am trying to rally myself to engage again by doing a host of back blipping from pictures in my phone.
I hope to do the blip membership, but it's difficult to afford at the moment, however when I visit your journals I want to give you stars to tell you I love what you did. This tells me that, like this web, I'm still hanging on :-)
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