Sally Hart

By rosiecatwoman

Tibouchina Urvilleana

Here's my current fav flower, that's still doing great : should do, I tuck it up in a Mini Greenhouse each night, though it'll have to come indoors once frosts hit.

I grabbed this early ( not that early ) this morning,before I scuttled off for the London train to go see the Georgia O'Keefe at Tate Modern before it closes tomorrow. I loved it. Should have gone several times.

BUT, I didn't love the appalling cramp that hit me on the train. Frightening.
Hoorah for a kind young guy who helped me get moving and got me off the train at Liverpool Street. I went and talked with the Pharmacist in Boots : Banana's he advised (Potassium ). So grabbed some of those and got myself to Tate. I've been using Magnesium Spray for ages, but never having had it so severely before, didn't take it with me.

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