Views from The Sage

We have had a wonderful day! A Huge Thank a You to Shygirl73 (not shy at all) who excelled at arranging a marvellous Blipmeet at The Sage, Gateshead. It was marvellous to meet so many 'new' (to us) Blippers, and to be able to put a face to those names that were already familiar to us. Amazing to sit outside on the bank of the Tyne to enjoy coffee and cake at this time of year!
From there we had (for me) a nostalgic journey up the Northumberland coast from Tynemouth to Seaton Sluice. Then we stopped at Mares Close Farm, Seghill, where my mother grew up and as close as I could be sure to my grandfather's grave in the Churchyard opposite.A truly memorable day.
Quite late "home" and therefore haven't been able to catch up with Blip. Sorry. Travelling home tomorrow.

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