Live it loud!

By Lostpixel

Tomorrow is .....

.... a BIG step into a new unknown world for Jamie and tens of thousands of other A-Level students who are awaiting their results with trepidation or confidence.

For many it will shortly lead to a massive change to their lives. Changes that they can only imagine at the moment but will soon become reality. Changes that will impact their lives in uncounted ways from getting more freedom to choose. With that comes responsibility. With responsibility comes opportunity. They will have chance to forge their own destiny, the chance to taste many new things in life, the chance to not have obsessive parents constantly whinging about clothes strewn on floors (but am sure others will replace us....), the chance to party and not have parents worrying (not that they worry)..... the chance to spread their wings!

The list is endless.

It all starts with one step!

It all starts with their recent past catching up. Tomorrow.

It all starts with just a bit of paper.

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