ntys project 365

By ntys

Countdown to forty

Today I turned 39 and after coffee but before breakfast I had the privilege to join a morning safari and see some of nature's most beautiful animals. This male elephant was traveling solo, apparently nothing unusual for a bull. His six tonne stature gently glided through the South African bush, he didn't mind the trigger happy humans watching his every move. He was nothing less than majestic and it was truly a magical experience.

So, as I head into my last 365 days of my 4th decade, I thought it as good as time as any to refocus on the right stuff and get back to what I enjoy. Finding magical moments like watching elephants don't happen very often but the discipline of searching for something or being mindful of noticing things worthy of sharing its beauty with others is what I have enjoyed in the past when blipping. Getting off the treadmill where days blur to weeks and making every moment count. So here we go again...

Note: this may not be a daily occurrence

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