In My Life...

By steeble

Life after Death? how's that possible?!

Dropped my car off at the garage this Mormon for MOT. Needed two new tyres on the front again... I must go through about 3 sets of tyres a year. How's that possible?!

Afterwards I came home and for all it's been my day off I've ended up doing 3 people's hair... how's that possible?!

Made some tea... chicken breast with mashed potato and a homemade white wine sauce. Messed it up even though I followed the recipe... how's that possible?!

Found a new band that I decided I really like called Destroy Rebuild Until God Shows... only to find out they made one album and split up... why... just why?! Are you seriously just out to rack me off today or what?!

Scared to get a bath incase a

Picture taken on a clients driveway, looked interesting so thought I'd take the pic. Had the scran food turned out nice you would of had a nice collage of ingredients and then the finished dish. So ya got this instead of a collage of the ingredients and a pic of the

Hope your days been better than mine...

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