Capital adventures

By marchmont

Last rose?

So last night - my friends left just before midnight and then I got a call to say the folks were just leaving RIE. Nephew M and #2 son were in attendance so I jumped a taxi down to the Manor to help. Dad and mum arrived home in separate cars and we got dad into the house. 13 stitches on his hand and arm and pretty wobbly on the feet. However we got him home safe and the boys got him to bed. It was 2 before I got home. Luckily the clocks went back to it was only 1. I didn't sleep well. My back was making my legs scream. The gardening!

Today I went swimming, tidied and planted the balconies at work and then went past the Manor to check all well, which it was.

It's been a beautiful afternoon and there is a yellow rose left blooming. I've Skyped KL, tidied and generally caught up. I'm tired though.

Waiting for #2 son.

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