
By Beewriter

Light fingered.....

An extra hour of!

I decided to curl my hair for the sheer hell of it, I tweaked and twirled it and it actually looked quite good. I'd do it more often if it didn't take so long. It looks even better now because I bought a can of green glittery hair spray and I just had to try it out....I love it! I'm going green for work tomorrow...mwhah ha ha. 

Jude and I nipped along to Bents but we didn't stay long as it was bursting at the seams. We headed down to the Lowry instead and had a mooch around the Makers Market. All those pastries, cakes and delicious smelling goodies tried to tempt me...but I am so in the zone, I resisted everything! #feelingsmug

All the buildings and bridges were going green for Hallowe'en...I love all the lights.

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