Sunday: BC Ferries

We left our accommodation in Victoria in plenty of time for the 1100 ferry from Swartz Bay to Tsawassen.  Our stay in Victoria was curious - the B and B we stayed in was perfectly nice and clean but it was like living in some kind of dystopian universe in that we didn't encounter anyone, other than guests, the whole time we were there.  Our check in was conducted with a disembodied voice who buzzed us in, our key was in an envelope.  We found our room ourselves and breakfast just mysteriously appeared each morning.  It was all fine, but what did irk us was the very unsubtle message in our room about leaving a gratuity - given that no-one came into our room while we were there, nor did we have any interaction with anyone, we were wondering what we were tipping for that wasn't covered in the cost of the accommodation.  In addition, there were all these pithy signs about 'Arriving as strangers, leaving as friends' which would have been fine, had we met anyone to befriend.  Anyway, I've got that off my chest.

The ferries here are great - very easy, accessible and smooth.  Not to mention the stunning scenery we pass through.  It took about an hour and a half to get back to the mainland.  We would have liked to spend longer on deck as you can apparently sometimes see whales but it was just too bracing.

A relaxing afternoon at home after I had unpacked and repacked as I'm off travelling again tomorrow.

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