Euan Me and Rhona too!

By noifa

Making music

Here is Rhona having a kick with rattles strapped to her wrist and ankle. She seemed to enjoy the noises they made and gurgled away to herself.

A much better day from her. She had another all night sleep from 8.30-6.30. I hope she does it again tonight and then it is maybe more than just a fluke!

She has been a happy wee thing during her wakeful hours with lots of eating, gurgling, kicking and watching whats going on. We went to Costco this morning and I forgot the sling, so she watched us pushing her from the car seat in the trolley. She fell asleep and was woken up to go buy some gifts from Next and then when we got home we had some quality girl time, as Euan was sleeping and Daddy was busy doing his ironing. She was happy lying on the floor so long as I was talking or blowing rasperries at her. She has a lovely smile now.

A wee sleep after that and then up for a bit after we had tea. Euan enjoyed his chicken and brocoli (only if I pretended I was away to eat it first though!) and we had mango for pudding. Euan was up a few times once he was put to bed, but one of them was to tell us he had peed in his potty. I thought that was very clever.

Off to bed now, hoping for 8 hours again! Fingers crossed X

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