Moments like these

By MichelleandJohn

Pass me the tissues..

Today is our last day in Windsor, we leave first thing tomorrow morning to catch the ferry to Ireland.
Friends we went to see, we saw Deborah and her boys in the morning. And then we went to see Jill and her girls.
This is the bit I have being dreading since I knew we would be moving. I am sad we will not be there for next birthdays, I will not see little L and R playing with Isaac, I am sad that I will not see O and Zoe playing princess again and sad that I will not see O growing into a big girl when she turns 4. I am sad that Ben will not have his buddy P to follow around. I am sad for me.
Jill and Deborah thank you for being there for me. It has been one hell of a year, and both of you were there...when I felt the the weight of the world on my shoulders.
Thank you for the chats, cuppas, cakes, memories, smiles and laughter and our friendship as well as the friendship our children have shared.
see you on our hols!!!

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