Morticia and the Witch

Today's the day ...................... to dress up

Lots of fun today at the 'With Singing In Mind'  gathering.

Mrs Penally introduced me to the good work that goes on every week - using singing as a way to exercise body and brain, particularly for those who live with a neurological condition such as Dementia, MND, Parkinson's or as a result of a stroke.  The singing and other forms of entertainment are led by the wonderful Ali Rigg - and it really is the most life-affirming and happy group of people to be part of.  There was a Halloween theme to everything today - and this is Brenda and her daughter Judy who have entered into the spirit with gusto and taken the trouble to dress up in an appropriate way. 

Apparently, for the first time, the demand for hiring fancy dress costumes at Halloween has overtaken that at Christmas.  Certainly, the shops are full of things that you can buy.  We've never been great fans in this house, I have to say - and have been known to turn the lights out and pretend we were not in when 'Trick or treat' ers come to call .......................  

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