Princess L is 10

In reality, her birthday falls on Tuesday, 1 November, but today we had the party for the family.  Princess L is hubby's grand-niece as her maternal grandmother is hubby's sister D.  Beside her is her brother M, whose birthday falls on the same day as mine, and on his right is their cousin E, another granddaughter of D.  E's elder sister isn't here this time but is with her boyfriend at another birthday party.  The little girl on the far right is ... and I must say I don't know.  She's the daughter of K, who is E's father's new girlfriend.  K is nice so I hope they last.  Because we just met this evening, though, I wasn't so keen yet in too much information.

Thought this shot would look a bit more 'homey' in sepia.  Aside from that, though, I wasn't in much of a mood for colour.  My mind is filled up too much with concern about work, and I'm not the only teacher who is a bit worried.  Too many things are vague, or late, or half-baked.  I know it's a Saturday but there's just so much frustration right now, and although I am not the one making decisions, it is still my job and we still need my income, and why don't some people just do what they are supposed to do.

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