New suit
I worked from home again today. Penny had a sinking headache before leaving for school. Someone from the Hounslow Animal Welfare centre had arranged to visit at 11am to discuss adopting some kittens. At midday she still hadn’t turned up. I called her and she said that she had forgotten (she had sent me a text an hour and a half beforehand to confirm that she was coming at 11am). We re-arranged for 2pm. At lunchtime, I went to Kingston with Ben. He wanted to buy a suit for an event he had in London tonight. The one that he’d found in the wardrobe last night didn’t fit.
We had lunch there and I dropped him off at work on the way home. The woman from the Animal Welfare centre came round at 2am. She said that we’d be unlikely to be able to adopt one of their kittens because we live too close to a main road.
Penny came home and she still had a headache. Bibi went to see a play in London with school straight after school. She said it wasn’t very good at all. The actors were dressed up as cancer cells. Ben went to his event in London and I went to bridge club. I was back home by 9pm.
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