Bouquet for Kaye.
After the muted colour and B&W images of the past week or so I thought that I would post a bit of a colour blast photo.
We bought a new car a couple of days ago and the saleswoman gave Kaye a lovely bouquet if flowers which I thought was a really nice thing to do. The above image is one of a number I captured using this motif. I have no idea what variety of flower this is.
Anyway, I am having a lazy day today. I went out this morning to an area of urban bushland with tripod and camera, with the intent of experimenting with HDR. To no avail unfortunately. All deleted. This bushland is totally confounding me. I have taken hundreds and hundreds of photographs of this area with little success. It is just so chaotic with trees and the understory of shrubs. Its difficult to find a focal point. I think that I am going to have to get in closer, change the way I approach it. Think outside the square.
Bigger version here.
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