The Aftermath, Barming

Our Halloween aftermath actually happened last night. We had no trick or treaters but our front door was splattered by eggs thrown by some kids who then proceeded to run into the darkness.
Weirdly, I think I passed the little bastards earlier when I was in the supermarket - they had walked past me with three dozen eggs whispering and giggling and looking very pleased with themselves.
This morning there was a shocker of a different kind , I, along with an old lady and her dog, were on a pedestrian crossing with Belisha beacons flashing away on a clear morning, when a driver approached. I thought he must be slowing down in a moment - but no he kept coming and coming and only at the last second did he slam on his breaks, missing the old lady by a few inches!  Poor woman was given a real fright -  I gave the driver a very helpful hand signal which involved an angrily thrust middle finger. Why are some drivers so bloody careless, all to get somewhere about half a second quicker.

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