Our Next Chapter

By SnappyHQ

Say cheese!

It's been a funny old day today.

Early this morning P knocked my hairdryer off the dressing table, cracking the outer casing. I've had rubbish hair all day and could have done without spending out on a new one.

We got to school at 8am for school photos. A was apprehensive but with P by his side he was much more relaxed than with the nursery photos. I love this one of them both together.

Once at work I had to spend and hour sorting out the childcare vouchers as they decided not to pay the nursery last month and then take double the required amount from my salary this month! The mind boggles!

I only did a half day at work and came home early to help my dad in the garden. We cleared loads of old bushes and dead trees out of the back garden. We worked our socks off till it got dark. I then happened to notice a post of face book for the local bonfire needing more wood, so I have donated our massive pile of cut down greenery to a good cause and the best bit is that I don't have to worry how we are going to get rid of it all now!

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