
It was a bit chilly this morning with the car all iced up.
This shot shows how good the insulation on the roof is  --- it is the spot above the interior light and the melting in from a combination of heat from the car and the light getting out of the wee hole cut in the roof lining for the wiring to get to the light.

As predicted, the monsters pretended that they were angels today.

The dog was working from home so we didn't have him to walk, so I was able to make a start on picture selection for the photo-book of our holiday. Now I need SWMBO to go through them and see if there is anything she really doesn't want in it.

Talking of SWMBO - I heard the timer going off in the kitchen this evening for dinner and as I started to come downstairs I heard a noise in the livingroom.
I went in to find SWMBO lying on the floor. She didn't know if she tripped or just collapsed. 
She seemed okay and no signs of a stroke and had her meal with no problems.
I was a bit reluctant to go to camera club but she insisted and said she would just go to bed.
I didn't hang about at the end of the meeting and to my amazement she was still up .... but just heading off to bed.
Tomorrow I will have to keep an eye on her.

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