Colin Parte

By ColinParte

Natalie Jade

My daughter Natalie. She's a wise old owl for her age, and has really stepped up recently, when I was ill. I'm immensely proud of her in more ways than I can count. We're a bit too similar in temperament to always get on, but I wish I had half of her maturity and outlook on life when I was her age. She'll be morto, as the kids say, when she reads this, but there you go. This was a "from the hip, paparazzi-style shot" so excuse the quality.

I spent an enjoyable morning with Cygnus and mrshb70, wandering around Holywood, Co. Down snapping away and having lunch, although unfortunately I didn't get a shot I was happy with for my Blip. Looking forward to our next day out/Blipmeet, ladies.

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