When I went to bed last night Lily cried outside the bedroom door again so I decided to sleep downstairs.  I have a sofa bed in the lounge so I made it up as a bed and settled down to sleep.  Tino came on the bed beside me and Lily slept nearby in a box.  Peace and quiet reigned - and I had a good nights sleep.

I was woken up early - ish by a ring on the doorbell.  My new Dyson had arrived.  Got it online from Aldi at a good price.

I had an appointment at the health centre in the village this morning.  It was at a E.N.T. Clinic provided by staff from the Freeman Hospital in Newcastle. I had been referred by my GP as I have been having trouble with a cough/phlegm. I saw a Consultant ENT Surgeon who looked into my nose with an endoscope to see if I had polyps. Anesthetic spray was used first and I had to wait a few mins for it to take effect.  It tasted horrible and made me feel sick.  The actual examination only lasted seconds.  No polyps were found.  The Consultant wondered if I had allergic rhinitis.  So he is going to give me an appointment at The Freeman for allergy testing.  Meanwhile I have some nasal spay to use,.

Went to my usual chemist to get the nasal spray but they didn't have it.  Luckily there is another chemists in the village and they had some.  Popped into Tesco before coming home.  It had been dry earlier but on the way home it was raining heavily. And it rained for the rest of the day on and off.

Did another load of washing.  Still sorting through the clothes on the rail which Lilly weed on.  Its not good drying weather so I am just doing a few at a time as I haven't much space to hang things up.

Made Lancashire Hot Pot for my tea.  Neil came here after work and is staying the night.  I cooked him steak and baked potato.

I was getting some straws out of the packet and thought they might do for Abstract Thursday if I enhanced them a bit in Picasa. 

Steps today - 10,254

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