Pile Perch
Sunshine was very welcome today…I followed H around the trails while he chainsawed several big branches/small trees that had fallen.. On the dock I loved these little fish with sun reflecting on the water..they are maybe 3 inches long and they do hang around the pilings. Alas, I did not see any sea stars on those pilings today. (upper left in this picture)
And whew, did manage to finish and order my blurb/ blip book project—-I was afraid to wait until I had the next book ready to go as well which would have been more efficient but I’m not trusting the computer. Also had trouble trying to copy some old iPhoto and Aperture files to a new external drive which just reminds me how if we REALLY want to save some photos, they need to be printed out. Hopefully our eyes won’t get obsolete.
My weekly blip challenge is “Fish”… it occurred to me it’s also “abstract thursday” but I’m not sure how to do that…..had a lot of these rather abstract images —-all SOOC except for a wee crop.
And lastly --Woo hoo for those Chicago Cubs! Couldn't see the game from here but kept checking the internet. I know Chicago is celebrating!!!!
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