If you don't mind ...

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The bad weather that was predicted for the evening and night didn't come. But the temperature dropped to a comfortable level. But only for today. Sun, clouds, dry and a temperature of 22?.

A nice day to do some work in the garden. After cutting the grass, we raked the lawn with a bamboo grass rake.

Last week when coming home after the holidays, we discovered for the first time - what seemed a ring neck - the bird in today's picture. While the grass was raked we suddenly heard the typical sounds that parrots make. It was like a singing between parakeet and grass rake.

The bird, now on the highest branch in the holly tree stayed there while I went under the tree to get my camera. By now it had picked one of the still green fruits from the branch and began to nibble. Looking at me with a glance of: if you don't mind ... ? ... ;))

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