From where i stand!!!

By Dancingninja

One boy and his bug!!

Went for a walk this afternoon and Bryn found this grasshopper. He sat for ages just letting it crawl all over his hand and up his arm. Funny cause if you look at themin the grass they go from side to side hiding behind the blade of grass, but when Bryn picks them up they just crawl around on him and he has to put them back . Apparently it was awesome Bryn informed me on the way back home!

In other news feeling a bit more revived, have had pt session and Bryn and i went to see Brave, we loved it!! Now i have tea to cook and off to ninjaring!!

And a big thank you to you all for the last few days and all your lovely comments even on the dire one yesterdayand favs that i haven't got round to thanking you all for as yet!! SO big thanks you lovely lot, i can always be guaranteed a smile from you all!!

Catch you later X

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