One of em's got to have a treat!
Very very old time friends from when we lived back in Ohio, Pa. and Michigan were on their way home from a Hawaiian trip . They stopped over in Seattle and so we went out to the airport hotel and brought them to our place for a daytime visit. We had a tiny almond kringle and hot drinks at our place, Then we just caught up on the years that have passed us by. They have two wonderful adult kids and four grandkids...both of our friends Bruce and Martha are now retired. They live in Middle Ohio land just outside Columbus.
Years ago in the seventies I took their outdoor forest wedding pictures....I remember , in the days when I could squat down, that I was squatting down to get a good shot and lost my balance and rolled down into a ravine of leaves and moss....It was funny and somehow enough photos got successfully taken. They were wearing what would now be described as hippie wedding clothes...I remember thinking how wonderful they both looked ! We reminisced and talked about the kids and grandkids and the election worries of course. We had a nice PNW meal of crab cakes, clam chowder, two types of salads and dill green beans. Largely made by Big R:) and yummy. Then more talking and a return of our friends to their hotel for return to Ohio in the early am .
Old longtime wonderful and so easy to just blab away with no ice breaking necessary at all.
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