
By mydayblipped

Gorgeous Day

Today was a lovely day both weather wise and enjoyment wise.

My son went away for most of the day with a friend for lunch and the cinema to see Brave.

So that left me and my daughter.
She had a hairdresser appointment at 12 so after dropping my son off at his friend's house we caught the bus and went to the hairdressers..she got a haircut, I got 45mins to read a magazine in peace.

Afterwards, we walked into the town centre and went to Books n Beans for lunch. My daughter had a weird sounding panini..chicken tikka, mozarella and bacon...apparently it tasted really good!

Then went and got her new passport photos taken to get her a bus pass for going back to school next week. Thought it'd be good to do this today and then that makes Saturday free.

After that, since it is such a nice sunny day, my daughter wanted to stay outside so we decided to head to Union Terrace Gardens. We sat for a good 45 mins just chillin, people watching and chatting. My daughter can drive me absolutely demented some times but it was really really nice today just the two of us having a lovely afternoon.

Today's blip could've been a photo of Union Terrace Gardens, but it's kinda been photographed so many times, it's not really original. Although sitting there in the sun today it will be a crime if the council do decide to go ahead with the plans to turn it into a giant slab of concrete.

So this is a bit of Union Terrace Gardens...the grass there :)
Whilst lying catching some sun, my daughter said 'mum I could lie like this and you could sit the camera on the grass and take a picture like that'.
So that is what I did, not realising my phone camera was upside down lol.

And this is what came out.

I love how it shows that it is a sunny day and it shows my happy girl too.

Good times :)

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