Tree Fellers

No, not the old Irish Joke about the job vacancy for Tree Fellers when Patrick said to his mate Murphy "Oh, dats a shame, ders only the two of us"! (Apologies to any Irish readers!).

Wish I'd taken my Olympus camera out on the walk. The iPhone is not bad but I could have got a much better, sharper, photo with the proper camera.
I've got a few shots but this was the final one with the last bit of the high section of Poplar tree coming down.
Very expert in the way he secures the piece being cut off to the bottom trunk so it doesn't fall willy nilly. It hangs down by him and he lowers it down to his mate below.
The dangling bit in the photo is the chain saw, which isn't running all the time, he only starts it when he hauls it up to use it. Seems like a good idea!

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