Over Yonder

By Stoffel

The Green Mile Home

My Dear Fellow,

Like you, I am fond of the New Town. These houses, stacked so elegantly against each other speak of a more genteel and civil era. And I love the street-lights. If I squint and use my imagination, I can imagine they are running off gas still.

As it happens, I was walking home through them this evening and took this picture. I have no idea why it came out so green. It is like I was wading through algae. Maybe Edinburgh really is this green all the time, I just haven't noticed it before.

I had a reasonable Friday today. By which I mean, my annoyance levels were kept to a reasonable level, I talked someone out of making a really stupid decision that would have made more work for everyone, and I met some happy dogs at lunchtime going for a walk. Also a cat, crouching behind a housing estate having a poo. The dogs left the cat to his business which was nice.

El P.

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