Put a smile on your face

I had a fun day at work today which helped to put a bit of a smile back on my face. The words 'team building event' fill me with dread but today's Zombie themed activity was actually very good. Following clues around the office whilst trying not be caught by the zombies! A buffet lunch was provided afterwards and as we had some time left over childrens party games spontaneously followed. Musical chairs can get very competitive when played by co-workers and not 5 year olds!

Back to reality at home though. Mac is being kept in at the vets for another night. He's doing ok but still not well enough to come home. And a final kick in the teeth is that we have noticed that Qwerty's toilet trips are starting to go the same way....I guess he will be next to the vets in the morning.

To be honest I feel totally pissed off. We got the kittens from what we thought was a reputable cat rescue centre and yet here we are less than two weeks later with two poorly kittens and a mounting vets bill. The cost to adopt the kittens was high enough, then there was all the bedding, litter trays, scratch posts and food to pay for, we didn't expect sky high vet costs on top of that! However the kittens are already a huge part of our family and we would and will do anything we can to help them and to keep them healthy. I just can't help feeling cheated and like we've been taken for a ride with no comeback whatsoever on the charity that gave them to us. We took them in good faith and look where that got us. Part of me wishes we hadn't.

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