Growing old disgracefully



Today I had two parcels to post. Now it is one of the disadvantages of our village that we no longer have a post office. The nearest one is within walking distance in the next village to the south east of us, but the post mistress there is grumpy, so I prefer to go to the community run one in the village to the northwest of us. This either involves a five mile round trip walk or the car. I opted for the car, which is just as well, for the PO closes early on a Thursday. No choice but to drive to the next village along (going higher up the social scale all the time). Now this village also has two eateries which kindly display my posters, so I just had to nip into them to check that they were OK. In the first, I felt it would be rude not to have a coffee and a biscuit. In the second, I felt guilty about the Prof, so had to buy two carry out cakes to take home for our afternoon cuppa. The message is clear - if we had a PO in our village, I would be much slimmer.

Recently I have been feeling that my photography is getting stale. I am not learning anything new and consequently am less excited about what I am doing. Blipping is as much about the journal as the image for me, but I feel I need to redress the balance and actually care more about the image. Hoping to go to a class this winter and actually learn how to use my camera more creatively. Strathclyde Uni's life long learning brochure is out tomorrow...

We cooked and ate our first ever artichokes. Not sure it was worth the palaver, but the garlic mayo was lovely
After suffering a lot from the wet weather, our courgettes are now doing very well
Three more students signed up for autumn courses.

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