Probably a shot of a Jnr

By Hollowspy

'Cause baby you're a....

Had a lot of fun tonight.

In fact, I have had an absolutely great 24 hours....

It started last night when we were invited for some firework celebrations by The Big Cheese and we had such a great night!  Hot dogs, fireworks, piss-taking, laughs.....what a top way to end a week.  I loved every minute.

We've not done fireworks for years because Jnr Snr is scared of them.  However, she impressed me last night and was even outside for some of them. I floated the idea of getting some, and she seemed keen (even hunted them out during the weekly shop this morning), so I got some.  

So, this evening we had a mixture of a fire, fireworks, photography and maybe a little fizzy alcohol!  We messed around with some sparklers too, check out the extra photos for our efforts :)  The girls did their best Dr Strange and that is by far my best joined-up handwriting ever!!!!!!!!

Why else the great 24 hours?  

Well, today marks the anniversary of Mrs H and I......well, saying that, I am not 100% sure why.  We met on a day that wasn't Nov 5th, we went out on a first date that wasn't on Nov 5th, but she has always insisted this is our kind of anniversary.  I reckon it is the date I either said those three words or the date I really made the fireworks go off :-D     Probably the former :-/

I also went out for a run this evening and managed 10k for the first time ever.  Well chuffed.  I only hit 5k for the first time in October so am pleased with the progress. Done some damage to my knee though - it tweaked at 9.8km, but didn't want to stop at that!

Happy 5th Nov for all reasons.

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