
By DancingAly

A Day Ahead

I've been a day out all week, thanks to our inset on Monday. I ordered a box set from Amazon tonight, and couldn't understand why they were going to deliver it by Saturday, after all, that's only two days away- great service! But on reflection, it's three days away...

Today was a bit better. I definitely felt a lot more into it all. The sun came out today, and it was a really beautiful day. That always helps. 

I had a session with A after school today, and it was a good one. We talked about lots of things, and I just came away feeling like I could handle anything. And I like it, as it makes me feel better, even if it's just for a few hours. Like a brief respite from worry/doubt and sadness. Tonight it didn't matter that it was dark, I was tired, that I still had a lot to do, I just felt ok. She really is great, and therapy is most definitely worthwhile. 

After A, I had to go to the hospital for a scan. I've had some pain in my tummy, and they referred me a while back to get it checked. I wasn't worried, I've had a few of these now. I got there early, and they weren't busy so I went in straight away. Bizarrely it's actually quite peaceful there. The place is white everywhere, modern, and with super bright lights. But when you go into the room, the lights are low, the ac hums, and lying down staring at the ceiling, especially after a busy day is rather relaxing ;-) She saw fluid again which should't be there, but I'll have to wait for the results later. 

I went home, threw something in the oven for dinner, and then had a nice bath. I was going to go to the gym, but my mum was on her way back from Zurich and Little B hates being left, so I waited, hoping that they would get back so I could leave. In the end I decided to abandon it, but I think I was a little too tired, so it was probably best. 

Little B was happy to see his mama, or rather her chicken sandwich ;-) Another episode of Cold Feet on catch up and then bed for me. 

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