Remember, remember...

After a very late night, I woke around 8, then dozed for an hour having strange dreams. No change there then!

Neil made us all bacon and egg rolls for breakfast. I recommend this B & B, my fried egg was even cooked to my exact preference - broken yolk, fried on both sides so that its solid!! Thank you Neil!

I had arranged a rendez vous with Jon and Mollie in Thetford forest at 12 so left Karen's just before 11 and got there in plenty of time. I took Mollie & Jon turned back for home. Mollie had a first stage interview with a man from the Camp America team, at Newmarket. We had some lunch - expensive sandwiches from M & S, where we bumped into some of my old guiding friends from Linton - Toni-Ann and Liz, who were packing bags and collecting for charity! It was nice to see friendly faces, and made me realise how much I miss not camping with the guides. Its been 2 years. Toni-Ann kindly said I was welcome to join any camps they have planned! I may well do that. At the moment Jon sees more of these Guiders than I do!

Mollie had her interview and I met up with Polly & Richard for a drink and quick catch up. Shame it couldn't have been longer. Then by 3pm Mollie was finished, and we headed back home. The drive doesn't get any shorter!

Home at 5, I had a brief chat with mum and dad, then we went out to a local firework display. Great fireworks, non stop for 20 minutes. The rain held off mainly, and we were home by 8.30. We've just watched Casino Royale - the one with Daniel Craig. Mollie insisted we have seen it but neither me on Jon remember.

I'm defo getting the cold. I was hoping for a lie, but I think as I need to go to Morrisons plus do all my weekend jobs tomorrow, I'd better get this finished and get to sleep.

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