Donuts, Fire, and Marshmallows

Lisa and I got up this morning, and went to a couple of large craft shows. Between the 2 shows, we stopped at a local apple orchard. The apple season is about over, but the cider and donuts are still going strong.

The donut machine is mesmerizing. Plop, swim, turn, out. Plop, swim, turn, out. We each had one (covered in cinnamon and sugar) but I was to cheap to buy a glass of cider. $ 2.59 That's too much.

We didn't buy anything at the craft shows, but I did steal a couple of ideas.

The large bonfire was later at my brother's house. The fire was so hot that they had to get a shovelful of embers out of the fire to toast the marshmallows. That's my brother Dave and Merrick getting ready to make some s'mores.

Going to enjoy my extra hour of sleep. Tonight's the night our clocks FALL back.

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