Tar Barrel Rolling

Some friends suggested we visited the annual Tar Barrel Rolling event at Ottery St Mary.  This tradition of carrying burning tar coated barrels along the streets has been going on for centuries and is thought it may have pagen origins.  

We were quite unprepared for the way the barrel bearers moved amongst the crowds. You can find yourself suddenly having to move backwards as they turn to run back and forth or change the person who is carrying the barrel.  They continue until the barrel finally falls apart.  The event starts with young boys bearing small barrels which later become increasingly bigger as youths and then women and men have their turns.  We didn't stay for the later larger barrels as the street were getting increasingly crowded as people headed down to the riverside area where there was also a large funfair.  See extras for more shots of the event.

A very entertaining evening with a large setting moon as we drove home. 

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