Yamkela iKapa

By lindseydw

Without backspace button

The beauty of blipfoto is that you can't ever edit anything once you've pressed "publish" -- this forces one to live in the moment, forgive oneself for past typos, etc. -- all incredibly valuable lifeskills to learn.

However, I want to qualify my last blip post about the chubby Afrikaner... I pointed out this boy's inherent irony because he was really mean-spirited about "the Americans" on the trip, what with our peanut butter and accent and all, which legitimately made me feel really badly after awhile. Anyway, I wanted to turn the bad feeling into a laugh -- hence the post. But I'm sorry for this because I really shouldn't be making fun of anyone no matter what and this was a quite cowardly way to go about it... But that's the back-story and I must humble myself to its truths.

Life comes without a "backspace" button, unfortunately!!

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