Howgate Wonders (and a few Bramleys)

A day of jobs including sweeping up the leaves and trying to unblock the road drain (some hope!) in the rain, which had to be followed by washing my waterproof coat...and re-waterproofing it!  Then I put Mary's spare bits of carpet up in our loft - you never know when a spare bit of carpet might come in handy and they'll help with the loft insulation whilst they're up there waiting for a carpet emergency.  I managed to add a few pieces to my new jigsaw in between defrosting tomato soup and scrubbing the last of the potatoes to put away.  Apples are on every surface in the kitchen so we have given the neighbours some stewed ones to clear out space in the freezer and stewed some more.

Tony came back from the allotment with the last of the tomatoes, more apples (my blip) and four of the tiniest sweet potatoes you have ever seen, never mind Tony try again next year.  We are going to try Monty Don's idea for ripening the green tomatoes by putting them in a drawer with a couple of bananas.  What is the betting we forget they are there....

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