Kitchen Carnage

Poppy and Daisy have been set some geography homework requiring them to make a model showing land contour lines. They could choose any materials for their models (I remember Alfie making his in clay a couple of years ago). The girls decided to make theirs using cake so Daisy turned up at 12 and they were given strict instructions that they were to clear everything up afterwards. They set to work and actually made a pretty decent victoria sponge with no help whatsoever. They used Nutella for the filling and made different coloured icing for the contour lines. 
You can see that Daisy is holding a j cloth and a decent amount of cleaning up did go on.
The excavation of Popppy's room continues but she has set up a cosy temporary bedroom in the spare room. Our motivation to get her room decorated is the arrival of nana in a couple of weeks who will want her room back!

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