The Daily Fox ...

By MaggieB

A distant fox through a filthy window ..

After last night's blip of Maisie looking completely oblivious to the fireworks outside, things went rapidly downhill.

She barked to be let out into the yard - no sooner had she gone out, than there was an enormous flash and a bang and she came running back inside.

Later on, when I thought the worst of it was over, I decided I'd better take Maisie out for a bedtime wee and poo. I just went outside and walked her back and forth on the verge. The most ENORMOUS bang went off and she dragged me at full speed back home (I am at least pleased to see that she headed home - if she got loose ever, perhaps she'd be OK at getting back home?)

As soon as we came in she hid in the corner shadows, her ears plastered to her head - she wouldn't be comforted, nor would she take any chicken from me.

I brought her crate into the lounge and covered it with a blanket to make a cosy den. She went in, and kept peering up at the ceiling - waiting for the next flash and bang, I suppose.

Eventually she joined me on the sofa and had a bit of chicken. At bedtime I took her crate up - but she slept on the bed with me until she fell off at 1.30!

Today she barked to go out about six times - the first time she just looked out, the next time she stood on the doorstep. Each time she went a little further - but was looking to the sky the whole time.

This evening the banging has started up again and she's gone back to hiding behind the sofa.

Poor Maisie.

Here's a terrible shot of The Handsome Stranger.

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