Natures Firework

A surprising amount of watering needed this morning and a good day for drying the leaves off before night.
Spent a few hours cleaning out and sorting out my Mum and Dads gutters.Freezing cold job.I now have my own and all the glasshouses to do before we get any heavy rain.
Next week is starting to fill up already with our electrician and heating engineer due in for repairs and servicing.

Brexit news has been interesting this week.The out campaign told us they were about parliamentary sovereignty but it looks like that only matters when it suits them.They want to do deals behind closed doors without the involvement or scrutiny of parliament and when independent judges tell them it is against the rule of law the right wing press go berserk.The behaviour of the press this week has been a national disgrace and a PM who decides to ignore the courts is very worrying.I do not like the way our country is heading.The United Kingdom is better than this.Whatever happened to the British sense of decency and fair play.

Cold day,windy at times.

As with so many things in life it looks better large.

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