
By Beewriter

Last Day

Sadly, all good things must come to an end. 

We had a mega photo shoot until 2pm last night experimenting with 'dramatic' portraits. Oh, it is such fun having a photo friend to faff about with. We achieved some pretty decent shots too....I will put some on Flickr at some point if anyone fancies a shufty.

We decided not to get up for the 6am start of the London to Brighton Race....I say 'we'...LadyG was quite happy to give me a map and instructions on which tube to catch and let me go. Hah! Anyway, after a lie in we headed off to meet up with the lovely Jeanettie for lunch....we both tried our hardest to get her back blipping....'it was a possible maybe not yet but you never know in the future' :) 

We had a great lunch catching up and laughing before heading off to the V&A for So You Say You Want A exhibition of music, life, politics and everything that exploded into the was full of music, colour, slogans and fashion. We really enjoyed it. 

Then, before you knew it it was time to head to the station. What a great weekend...thank you my dear LadyG x

Film Star Friday

1st...Ukelelehaley... Lady and the Tramp (What an inspired entry...and I can just imagine how many out takes there were lol). I also have to award a joint 1st place to my partner in crime LadyG and Thelma and Louise. We had such fun doing the pics :)

2nd...Terraldinho...Blair Witch Project. scarrrrrrrrrrry!

3rd...mambo...Rocky....looking toned there S!!!!! he he he 

As always everyone had fabulous entries :)))

The next FSF is on November 18th....just tag it FSF22 if you fancy joining in. (LadyG I shall pop down for another photo session...he he he)

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