
By GadgetGal


Autumn is such a beautiful yet variable time of year. We had popped out to Ashridge woods to collect some seriously challenging puzzle geocaches that we had been working in since the fab Geolympix event this summer, attended by hundreds of geocachers from all over the world. We'd solved the clues and headed off with 8 sets of cache coordinates. As we made our way into a large open grassy area with bullocks, the sun turned to drizzle. Determined to carry on, we continued for two more caches. The rain turned torrential and the temp dropped by 2 degrees. Striding back to the car in the freezing wind, it was hard to remember how beautiful it was just half an hour earlier. That's Autumn I guess. Arrived back st the car drenched through, but glad to have found 5 of the 8 caches.

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