Helena Handbasket

By Tivoli

for David

A funeral in London today that I could not attend. I was asked to light a synchronous candle in a specific church.
I am not one to light candles in memory of lives extinguished. I am one who lights candles during power cuts or simply because they are pretty. But this was a request, and I didn't care to refuse it, nor to pretend that I had done something I hadn't done, on the grounds that nobody would ever know if I hadn't.

The patron saint of Glossa is the Virgin Mary no less. There are three churches dedicated to her; one to her free life before the annunciation, one to her tendency to appear as a vision to the faithful, and one to her assumption into heaven. All apparently unrelated to her role as mother of god.
OK, I'm no expert in these things but that does strike me as odd. Perhaps it isn't, perhaps the village respects her for herself, and not for her role in anything else.

Wouldn't it be great if America could do that tomorrow.

Extras are for freespiral and yes of course there are icons of Mary with No1 son, he's just not mentioned much it seems.

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