Cruach Innis

Innis pronouced "Inch". Cruach Innis is the central rounded hill in the image. To the left, enjoying the sunshine and more distant, is Sgurr Innis. The big pointy one to the right with a dusting of snow is Stob Coire na Ceannain. I seem to blip it a lot and here it is again.

I climbed to this vantage point lugging a tripod but given the light can stay like this for just seconds I ended up taking two hand held shots with this very unforgiving short telephoto lens and glued them together.

Apparently this is the advised course of action, get a shot at all costs then rig up the tripod. Indeed it was all gone by that time.

Caley was with me on this walk and at this point he was very very muddy. (extra)

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